I have s symfony 1.4 with Doctrine and sfDoctrineGuardPlugin.
I am experiencing a problem with loading fixtures for sfGuardUser which are made from symfony doctrine:data-dump
The core of the problem is that the passwords in the fixture file are not encrypted and they will be encrypted in the process of fixture loading.
In the other hand - when we dump data from the data base, the passwords are already encrypted and if we try to load them again, the value of the password will be rehashed for the second time.
Does anybody know how to avoid this situation?
I am using this process to prevent data loss when the model needs to be changed. If anybody knows other solution for this particular problem, I will appreciate!
There's a solution to this in the old symfony forum.
In short: create a setEncryptedPassword function in your user model like this:
public function setEncryptedPassword($v)
if ($v !== null) {
$v = (string) $v;
if ($this->password !== $v) {
parent::_set('password', $v);
return $this;
And in your dump change all password
occurences to encrypted_password