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ocserv could not execute script for the incoming connection

connect-script = /app/
disconnect-script = /app/

I have the above configuration in my ocserv.conf in the docker container, but ocserv fails to execute /app/ when there is a connection. I cann't find the real cause from the following log, has anyone had the same issue?

ocserv[26]: main[test] user of group 'Route' authenticated (using cookie)
ocserv[29]: main[test] executing script up /app/
ocserv[29]: main[test] main-user.c:379: Could not execute script /app/
ocserv[26]: main[test] connect-script exit status: 1
ocserv[26]: main[test] failed authentication attempt for user 'test'

The content of /app/


echo "$(date) [info] User ${USERNAME} Connected - Server: ${IP_REAL_LOCAL} VPN IP: ${IP_REMOTE}  Remote IP: ${IP_REAL} Device:${DEVICE}"


  • Well, I figured it out myself that the docker container I created doesn't have bash, and one solution is to substitute #!/bin/bash with #!/bin/sh.