I want tkinter to create a Label for every item in a list. Problem: this list can have various lengths cause it's based on user input.
I managed to create a variable for every item in the list. But how can I access each variable (assign Label
and var_name.grid()
) if I don't know its name while writing the program?
keys = ["foo", "bar"]
count = 0
for key in keys:
labelname = "label_w_" + str(key)
globals()[labelname] = None
# I can access the first variable created statically, but what about the others?
label_w_foo = Label(window, text = key)
label_w_foo.grid(row = count, column = 1)
count += 1
Does this answer the question?
from tkinter import *
window =Tk()
keys = ["foo", "bar"]
count = 0
def change_text():
for j,l in enumerate(labels):
for key in keys:
# I can access the first variable created statically, but what about the others?
labels[count].grid(row = count, column = 1)
count += 1
Button(window,text="Change Text",command=change_text).grid(row=count, column=0)