Disclaimer: I asked this question when I was clearly a noob, but I am leaving this up hoping it can help someone in the future.
Context: Image to make the question more clear: My issue
I'm working on a Node JS + EJS blog application. I have a separate page(www.domain/compose) where I can write the title and the body for my post. I can then access this post through www.domain/posts/post-title
Like shown in the picture, I want to send over HTML tags that can be rendered.
I want to send any HTML tags to my liking in whatever order I want. Not only the em and img tags.
My Node Server code:
app.post("/compose", (req, res)=>{
const post = {
'title': req.body.newPostTitle,
'body': req.body.newPostContent,
app.get("/posts/:postName", (req, res)=>{
const urlSuffix = req.params.postName;
const postURL = lodash.kebabCase(post.title);
if(urlSuffix===postURL || urlSuffix===post.title){
console.log("Match Found!");
res.render("post", {postTitle:post.title, postBody: post.body});
console.log("Not a match")
My EJS Template code:
<%- include('partials/header') -%>
<%- include('partials/footer') -%>
I figured it out! All I had to do was change my .ejs template from: