The qt designer portion of qt creator has many built in widgets. But let's say I want to add custom widgets created in the same qt project to the ui file of the window. By taking these steps:
Now, I know one way to do that, and that is:
However, the problem with this is that Qt Creator's designer treats it like a generic QWidget. And as such, you can't do things like add it to a splitter, or connect signals/slots that are specific to the widget.
So is there any other ways to add widget B to window A in the ui file using qt creator? Thank you.
I know this is a very old question, and I'm not sure what capabilities Designer had in 2012, but I came across this in a Google search for something else and figured I'd add some missing info:
However, the problem with this is that Qt Creator's designer treats it like a generic QWidget. And as such, you can't do things like add it to a splitter, or connect signals/slots that are specific to the widget.
Generic QWidgets can be added to splitters with no issues these days.
As far as signals and slots go, you can use them like so:
Now those signals and slots will be accessible in Designer like any other signals and slots.
The only thing you can't really get with promoted widgets is access to custom properties in the property panel; for that, yeah, you'll need to go through the custom widget creation process.