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Calling OpenWeather API from Watson Assistant: "Direct CloudFunctions call was not successful"

I am trying to use the openweathermap API with Watson Assistant, but I am getting "Webhook call was not successful. Response code is [404]. (and there is 1 more error in the log)."

(I am working from the book by Sabharwal, et al., with my own improvisations for the obsolete elements, like @sys-location.)

I created a Cloud Functions Action called "" and checked Enable as Web Action. The action code was imported from the git repo for the book:

let rp = require('request-promise')
function main(params) {
    const options = {
        uri: "" + encodeURIComponent(params.object_of_interest)+ "&units=metric&APPID=19e8588cb3d7d0623e3a5a8ec529232f" ,
        json: true
    return rp(options)
    .then(res => {
        WeatherReport = "Current Temperature : " +res.main.temp+ ", Pressure : " + res.main.pressure + ", Humidity : " + res.main.humidity + ", temp min : " + res.main.temp_min + " , temp max : " + res.main.temp_max
        return { WeatherReport

In the Assistant Options the webhook URI is set to

The "Assistant responds" JSON is The "Assistant responds" JSON is

  "output": {
    "text": {
      "values": [],
      "selection_policy": "sequential"
  "actions": [
      "name": "/my-account-email%40dev/default/Weather-Connection.json",
      "type": "cloud_function",
      "parameters": {
        "object_of_interest": "$location"
      "credentials": "$credentials",
      "result_variable": "$response"
  "context": {
    "credentials": {
      "api_key": "[my-openweathermap-api-key]"
    "object_of_interest": "@object_of_interest"

For debugging, I included a dialog node that displays the value of $location, and it is okay (e.g. "London").

The "Try it out" pane prints {"cloud_functions_call_error":"The requested resource does not exist."} When I click on the Error icon I get a Runtime error pop-up saying, Direct CloudFunctions call was not successful. Http response code is [404]. (and there is 1 more error in the log).

I am not getting any output from running the CLI command ibmcloud fn activation list(I'm not sure that's the right way to check the logs).

I have tested the Weather-Connection function by invoking the Action with parameter {"object_of_interest": "London"}, and it works.

Everything is deployed in the same region (us-south) and namespace.

I can't think of anything else to try.


  • I just cracked it. I was trying to show the result using the text response is <? $webhook_result_1.response ?> when it should just have been response is <? $webhook_result_1 ?>.