I'm trying to setup a client which is IDP initiated and our application is using Sustainsys framework for all the SAML setup in our IdentityServer3. I'm using this article as reference Idp initiated using Sustainsys
Here there are some code snippets of how is my current impl:
var samlIdp = new Sustainsys.Saml2.IdentityProvider(new EntityId("https://<Client's IDP>"), saml2Options())
MetadataLocation = "https://<client metadata>",
LoadMetadata = true,
AllowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse = true
private Saml2AuthenticationOptions saml2Options()
// My clientId is for example if I'm setting up Okta, then ClientId = okta
var spOptions = new SPOptions
ModulePath = "/<ClientId>",
EntityId = new EntityId("https://<My identity app>/<Client Id>"),
ReturnUrl = new Uri("https://<my Identity app>/idpinitiated?idp=<ClientId>")
return new Saml2AuthenticationOptions(false)
SPOptions = spOptions,
AuthenticationType = "<ClientId>",
Caption = "<ClientId>"
Problems I'm having are:
I'm very very new working with this so any help will be very very appreciated. Thanks
IdentityServer3, does not support IDP initiated. There's a workaround for making Idsrv3 to support it, that can be done handling the AcsCommandResultCreated
event (using the Sustainsys saml framework)
private void AcsCommandResultCreated(CommandResult commandResult, Saml2Response saml2Response)
var httpContext = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
var target = httpContext.Request.Query["target"].SingleOrDefault();
// Avoid an open redirect. Note that on a shared host with multiple applications running
// in different subdirectories this check is not enough.
var targetUri = new Uri(target, UriKind.Relative);
// A protocol relative url is relative, but can still redirect to another host. Block it.
throw new InvalidOperationException("Protocol relative URLs are not allowed.");
commandResult.Location = targetUri;
Full sample: https://github.com/Sustainsys/AspNetcoreIdpInitiated