I have a data-frame with soil temperature data from several different models that I want to create a scatterplot matrix of. The data frame looks like this:
The data is organized by model (or station), and I have also included a couple of columns to differentiate between data occurring between the cold or warm season ['Season'] , as well as the layer ['Layer'] that the data is from.
My goal is to create a scatterplot matrix with the following characteristics:
I have figured out how to create a scatterplot matrix for one triangle/portion of the dataset at a time, such as in this example:
however I am unsure of how to have a different portion of the data to be used in each triangle.
The relevant files can be found here:
Here is the relevant code
dframe_scatter_top = pd_read.csv(dframe_top.csv)
dframe_scatter_btm = pd_read.csv(dframe_btm.csv)
dframe_master = pd.read_csv(dframe_master.csv)
scatter1 = sn.pairplot(dframe_scatter_top,hue='Season',corner='True')
sns.set_context(rc={"axes.labelsize":20}, font_scale=1.0)
sns.set_context(rc={"legend.fontsize":18}, font_scale=1.0)
I suspect that the trick is to use PairGrid, and set one portion of the data to appear in map upper and the other portion in map lower, however I don't currently see a way to explicitly split the data. For example is there a way perhaps to do the following?
scatter1 = sns.PairGrid(dframe_master)
scatter1.map_upper(#only plot data from 0-30cm)
scatter1.map_lower(#only plot data from 30-300cm)
You're close. You'll need to define a custom function that does the splitting:
import seaborn as sns
df = sns.load_dataset("penguins")
def scatter_subset(x, y, hue, mask, **kws):
sns.scatterplot(x=x[mask], y=y[mask], hue=hue[mask], **kws)
g = sns.PairGrid(df, hue="species", diag_sharey=False)
g.map_lower(scatter_subset, mask=df["island"] == 'Torgersen')
g.map_upper(scatter_subset, mask=df["island"] != 'Torgersen')
g.map_diag(sns.kdeplot, fill=True, legend=False)