I have created two measures to calculate my weighted ACW avg but the time format is not showing correctly and I am stuck. I have an imported table from Postgres into Powerbi the column I am using for my acw time is in seconds in the Inboundlog table.
To get my average I first created a measure to sum the total ACW time.
SUM ACW = SUM(inboundlog[time_acwork])
I then created a second measure to divide this result by my total handled calls
AVG ACW = DIVIDE([SUM ACW], [Calls Handled])
When added to my table it shows the correct results but not in time format. When I added the Format to the AVG ACW meausre for either "HH:MM:SS" or "MM:SS" it throws the results way off. Is there a way I can manipulate to show in time format but with the correct resutls.
Here are the correct results not in time format.
This is a screenshot of what I am tying out to.
Screenshot of the data type in the inboundlog table.
Use code from here: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Community-Blog/Aggregating-Duration-Time/ba-p/22486
Duration =
// Duration formatting
// * @konstatinos 1/25/2016
// * Given a number of seconds, returns a format of "hh:mm:ss"
// We start with a duration in number of seconds
VAR Duration = [Duration in Seconds]
// There are 3,600 seconds in an hour
VAR Hours =
INT ( Duration / 3600)
// There are 60 seconds in a minute
VAR Minutes =
INT ( MOD( Duration - ( Hours * 3600 ),3600 ) / 60)
// Remaining seconds are the remainder of the seconds divided by 60 after subtracting out the hours
VAR Seconds =
ROUNDUP(MOD ( MOD( Duration - ( Hours * 3600 ),3600 ), 60 ),0) // We round up here to get a whole number
// These intermediate variables ensure that we have leading zero's concatenated onto single digits
// Hours with leading zeros
IF ( LEN ( Hours ) = 1,
CONCATENATE ( "0", Hours ),
CONCATENATE ( "", Hours )
// Minutes with leading zeros
IF (
LEN ( Minutes ) = 1,
CONCATENATE ( "0", Minutes ),
CONCATENATE ( "", Minutes )
// Seconds with leading zeros
IF (
LEN ( Seconds ) = 1,
CONCATENATE ( "0", Seconds ),
CONCATENATE ( "", Seconds )
// Now return hours, minutes and seconds with leading zeros in the proper format "hh:mm:ss"