In VS2019 under "Project | Add New Item | Installed | SQL Server" I have the "SLQ CLR C#" option but not the "SQL CLR VB" option. How do I get the VB option?
The SQL Server 2019 documentation has both C# and VB examples (e.g. CLR User-Defined Aggregate - Invoking Functions). I have VB.Net setup in VS2019. However, the SQL CLR VB option is not available.
Have I missed a component in the install or do I have to download something from the VS Marketplace?
This should have to do with the language set for the (database) project itself. Try the following steps:
Go to the "Project" menu
Select "<Project_Name> Properties"
Go to the "SQLCLR" tab
There should be a dropdown for "Language".
The dropdown is greyed as if it cannot be selected, but you can select it and change the language to "VB"
After making that change:
Go to "Add New Item" (either via the "Project" menu or by right-clicking the project in Object Explorer)
Select "SQL Server"
"SQL CLR VB" should show instead of "SQL CLR C#".