aws-sdk-s3 gem
I currently have a rails app in production that uses ActiveStorage to attach image data to a wrapper Image model. It's currently using the local strategy to save images to disk and I am migrating it to S3. I am not using paperclip or anything similar.
I succeeded in setting it up. Currently it is set to use local primarily and have S3 as a mirror so that I can write to two places during the migration. However the documentation says that it will only save new images to S3 upon create and update of a record. I would like to "re-save" all models in production to force the migration to happen. Does anyone know how to do this?
Looks like it was already answered!
If you happen to be stuck with only access to the Rails Console like I was, this solution worked perfectly. If you copy-paste this code into the console, it will begin to produce output of the S3 uploads. After 5k of those, I was done. An immense thank you to Tayden for the solution.
all_services = [ActiveStorage::Blob.service.primary, *ActiveStorage::Blob.service.mirrors]
# Iterate through each blob
ActiveStorage::Blob.all.each do |blob|
# Select services where file exists
services = all_services.select { |file| file.exist? blob.key }
# Skip blob if file doesn't exist anywhere
next unless services.present?
# Select services where file doesn't exist
mirrors = all_services - services
# Open the local file (if one exists)
local_file = File.open(services.find{ |service| service.is_a? ActiveStorage::Service::DiskService }.path_for blob.key) if services.select{ |service| service.is_a? ActiveStorage::Service::DiskService }.any?
# Upload local file to mirrors (if one exists)
mirrors.each do |mirror|
mirror.upload blob.key, local_file, checksum: blob.checksum
end if local_file.present?
# If no local file exists then download a remote file and upload it to the mirrors (thanks @Rystraum)
services.first.open blob.key, checksum: blob.checksum do |temp_file|
mirrors.each do |mirror|
mirror.upload blob.key, temp_file, checksum: blob.checksum
end unless local_file.present?