Search code examples

Extract all BUT the last word

I've got the following statement that successfully extracts the Last Word within a Field.

select right(rtrim([FIELDNAME]),charindex(' ',reverse(rtrim([FIELDNAME]))+' ')-1)

However, does anyone know you can extract everything up to the last word?

For example:

Joe Michael Bloggs would turn into "Bloggs" and "Joe Michael"


  • You can use a CROSS APPLY to calculate the position ONCE.


    Declare @YourTable Table ([SomeCol] varchar(50))  Insert Into @YourTable Values 
     ('Joe Michael Bloggs')
    ,('Mary Smith')
    Select SomeCol
          ,LastWord = right(SomeCol,Pos)
          ,TheRest  = rtrim(left(SomeCol,len(SomeCol)-Pos))
     From  @YourTable A
     Cross Apply ( values (charindex(' ',reverse(SomeCol)+' ')-1) ) B(Pos)


    SomeCol             LastWord    TheRest
    Joe Michael Bloggs  Bloggs      Joe Michael
    Mary Smith          Smith       Mary
    Cher                Cher