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(Odoo) How to download PDF reports from website?

How can I download a pdf report (Odoo v14) from a controller on the website?

I tried solving the problem with the following code:

@http.route(['/my/projects/invoices/<int:invoice_id>/download'], type='http', auth="user", website=True)
def download_customer_project_report(self, invoice_id):

    invoice = request.env.ref('account.report_invoice_with_payments').sudo()._render_qweb_pdf([invoice_id])[0]
    pdf_http_headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(pdf))]

    return request.make_response(invoice, headers=pdf_http_headers)

But i kept runnign into this error AttributeError: 'ir.ui.view' object has no attribute '_render_qweb_pdf'.



  • I managed to fix the issue with the following code:

    @http.route(['/my/projects/invoices/<int:invoice_id>/download'], type='http', auth="user", website=True)
    def download_pdf(self, invoice_id):
        invoice = request.env['account.move'].sudo().search([('id', '=', invoice_id)], limit=1)
        if not invoice or !=
            return None
        pdf, _ = request.env['']._get_report_from_name(
        pdf_http_headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(pdf)),
                            ('Content-Disposition', content_disposition('%s - Invoice.pdf' % (]
        return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdf_http_headers)

    Instead of ref, I used the method _get_report_from_name.