I have a working NS6-Vue app and I want to add some custom particles via canvas. I may not be creating the Canvas object correctly, and I cannot find examples of NS6 + VueJS + Canvas. "nativescript-canvas" plug-in is version 3.0.10.
Here's my test .vue file:
<Page backgroundColor="black" xmlns:canvas="nativescript/canvas" @loaded="onPageLoaded">
<Canvas id="canvas" width="200" height="200" @canvasReady="onCanvasLoaded" @loaded="onCanvasLoaded" backgroundColor="red" />
const Canvas = require("nativescript-canvas");
// import { Canvas } from "nativescript-canvas";
export default {
components: {
methods: {
onCanvasLoaded(args) {
let canvas = args.object;
console.log("canvas loaded: "+canvas);
onCanvasReady(args) {
let canvas = args.object;
console.log("canvas ready: "+canvas);
console.log("page loaded");
console.log("Canvas: "+Canvas.Canvas);
this.printProps(Canvas, true);
printProps(obj, inherited)
for(let key in obj){
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key) || inherited){
let val = obj[key];
if(typeof(val) == "function")
console.log(" "+key+" = [function]");
console.log(" "+key+" = "+val);
Doing "const Canvas = require" gives me an object/module containing various "object" functions like 'Canvas', 'CanvasBase', 'CanvasView', as well as some properties like 'hardwareAcceleratedProperty', etc. and I get no error but nothing shows up. Neither "canvasReady" or "loaded" signals fire. Here's the output...
JS: 'Canvas: function Canvas(imageOrWidth, height) {
JS: this._shouldReleaseBitmap = false;
JS: if (imageOrWidth) {
JS: if (imageOrWidth instanceof image_source_1.ImageSource) {
JS: this._bitmap = imageOrWidth.android;
JS: } else if (imageOrWidth instanceof android.graphics.Bitmap) {
JS: this._bitmap = imageOrWidth;
JS: } else {
JS: this._shouldReleaseBitmap = true;
JS: this._bitmap = android.graphics.Bitmap.createBitmap(imageOrWidth, height, android.graphics.Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
JS: }
JS: if (!this._bitmap.isMutable()) {
JS: this._shouldReleaseBitmap = true;
JS: this._bitmap = this._bitmap.copy(android.graphics.Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);
JS: }
JS: this._native = new android.graphics.Canvas(this._bitmap);
JS: }
JS: var proxy = new Proxy(this, this);
JS: return proxy;
JS: }'
JS: ' arrayoNativeArray = [function]'
JS: ' parseDashEffect = [function]'
JS: ' Paint = [function]'
JS: ' DashPathEffect = [function]'
JS: ' Path = [function]'
JS: ' RadialGradient = [function]'
JS: ' LinearGradient = [function]'
JS: ' StaticLayout = [function]'
JS: ' createImage = [function]'
JS: ' releaseImage = [function]'
JS: ' Canvas = [function]'
JS: ' CanvasView = [function]'
JS: ' Cap = [function]'
JS: ' Direction = [function]'
JS: ' DrawFilter = [function]'
JS: ' FillType = [function]'
JS: ' Join = [function]'
JS: ' Matrix = [function]'
JS: ' Op = [function]'
JS: ' PathEffect = [function]'
JS: ' Rect = [function]'
JS: ' RectF = [function]'
JS: ' Style = [function]'
JS: ' TileMode = [function]'
JS: ' FontMetrics = [function]'
JS: ' Align = [function]'
JS: ' LayoutAlignment = [function]'
JS: ' PorterDuffMode = [function]'
JS: ' PorterDuffXfermode = [function]'
JS: ' createRect = [function]'
JS: ' createRectF = [function]'
JS: ' cachedProperty = [object Object]'
JS: ' hardwareAcceleratedProperty = [object Object]'
JS: ' densityProperty = [object Object]'
JS: ' CanvasBase = [function]'
JS: ' _Ctor = [object Object]'
Instead, if I "import { Canvas } from" then I get the 'Canvas' function within the above object and I get the error...
System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3762)
System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:3938)
How can I get something drawing?
I have gotten this to work with help from the @nativescript/canvas plug-in author. However, it breaks on Android when switching tab pages via BottomNavigation.
There is a specific version for NS6:
npm i @nativescript/canvas@ver6
In order to use in .vue XML, I put this in "app.js":
const Canvas = require("@nativescript/canvas");
Vue.registerElement('Canvas', () => Canvas.Canvas);
Alternately, in order to create canvases programmatically instead of by XML, I did not add the above to "app.js" but instead imported in my .vue file:
import { Canvas, ImageAsset } from "@nativescript/canvas";
let canvas = new Canvas(args); //e.g. in a 'loaded' signal
In either case, there is a bug when tabbing pages: https://github.com/NativeScript/canvas/issues/41