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How to create an 'AWS::SSM::Document' with DocumentType of Package using CloudFormation

This AWS CloudFormation document suggests that it is possible to administer an 'AWS::SSM::Document' resource with a DocumentType of 'Package'. However the 'Content' required to achieve this remains a mystery.

Is it possible to create a Document of type 'Package' via CloudFormation, and if so, what is the equivalent of this valid CLI command written as a CloudFormation template (preferably with YAML formatting)?

ssm create-document --name my-package --content "file://manifest.json" --attachments Key="SourceUrl",Values="s3://my-s3-bucket" --document-type Package

Failed Attempt. The content used is an inline version of the manifest.json which was provided when using the CLI option. There doesn't seem to be an option to specify an AttachmentSource when using CloudFormation:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09

    Type: AWS::SSM::Document
      Name: 'my-package'
      Content: !Sub |
          "schemaVersion": "2.0",
          "version": "Auto-Generated-1579701261956",
          "packages": {
            "windows": {
              "_any": {
                "x86_64": {
                  "file": ""
          "files": {
            "": {
              "checksums": {
                "sha256": "sha...."
      DocumentType: Package

CloudFormation Error

AttachmentSource not provided in the input request. (Service: AmazonSSM; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValueException;


  • Yes, this is possible! I've successfully created a resource with DocumentType: Package and the package shows up in the SSM console under Distributor Packages after the stack succeeds.

    Your YAML is almost there, but you need to also include the Attachments property that is now available.

    Here is a working example:

    AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
    Description: Sample to create a Package type Document
        Type: "String"
        Default: "my-sample-bucket-for-package-files"
        Description: "The name of the S3 bucket."
        Type: AWS::SSM::Document
            - Key: "SourceUrl"
                - !Sub "s3://${S3BucketName}"
            !Sub |
                  "schemaVersion": "2.0",
                  "version": "1.0",
                  "packages": {
                      "windows": {
                          "_any": {
                              "_any": {
                                  "file": ""
                  "files": {
                      "": {
                          "checksums": {
                              "sha256": "7981B430E8E7C45FA1404FE6FDAB8C3A21BBCF60E8860E5668395FC427CE7070"
          DocumentFormat: "JSON"
          DocumentType: "Package"
          Name: "YourPackageNameGoesHere"
          TargetType: "/AWS::EC2::Instance"

    Note: for the Attachments property you must use the SourceUrl key when using DocumentType: Package. The creation process will append a "/" to this S3 bucket URL and concatenate it with each file name you have listed in the manifest that is the Content property when it creates the package.