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Qt designer: Custom code for custom actions

I've been looking around and I didn't found anything yet, except old doc for Qt3 with version 3.x of qt designer.

I'll leave an example, not that I can't give code as my project is GPL but for simplicity.

Example: You are designing a GUI for your application. You insert some buttons in the GUI, and you want those buttons do something with a logic that maybe is already written.

Question: How do you add or set this code in a way that the button when it's checked will fire that code?

I don't want to connect widgets with signals/slots. My approach was to create a custom action in the action editor, and connect the desired button to that action hoping to find a way to write the code for that action. I could define its name, its icon (?), and so on. But I need to write its logic/code.

I read some documentation that instructs you to create a C++ header file, but it seems deprecated for the new Qt Designer version (4.7.3). The other vast resource I found about my question are all about conecting signals between default objetc actions. I repeat that is not what I need/want.

My question born from the fact that I don't want to edit the generated .py. I sense that it MUST be a way to set a file (custom code, header file, etc) with the custom action code but honestly, I can't find anything yet.

In case of a negative answer (that is, "not possible to do so"), It would be nice to hear some advice for "hacking" the code. I really don't like to modify the generated .py and it seems ugly to do something like: ui.callback in my code.



  • You don't need to create a header file or modify the pyuic generated file. Assuming your action object is named myaction and you want to signal myaction_slot when it's toggled:

    import sys
    from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
    # import pyuic generated user interface file
    from ui_mainwindow import Ui_MainWindow
    class MyMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow):
        def __init__(self, parent=None):
            super(MyMainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
            # connect myaction_logic to myaction.toggled signal
        def myaction_slot(self):
            pass # do something here
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
        myapp = MyMainWindow()