I want to read all document from
using this query
QuerySnapshot data = await firestore
.where('uId', isEqualTo: auth.currentUser!.uid)
and also want to apply security read only the requested auth uid same as uId/sellerUId.
I already try with this security rule
match /Order/{uniqueCode} {
allow read: if get(/databases/$(database)/documents/Order/$(uniqueCode)).data.sellerUId == request.auth.uid ||
get(/databases/$(database)/documents/Order/$(uniqueCode)).data.uId == request.auth.uid;
allow write, update, delete: if true;
You don't need to specify the complete path if the fields you want to compare with are already in document.
match /Order/{uniqueCode} {
allow read: if resource.data.sellerUId == request.auth.uid || resource.data.uId == request.auth.uid;
allow write, update, delete: if true;
You can read more about data validation here