I got some trouble with executing dynamic SQL with binding variables (in and out) via dbms_sql. I always get an ORA-06502 but cannot get the reason. I could reduce the SQL-snippet so far to know that the out parameter occurs the error.
l_cur_id NUMBER;
l_sql VARCHAR2(100) := 'begin :1 := ''test''; end;';
l_res VARCHAR2(100);
l_dbms NUMBER;
l_cur_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
dbms_sql.parse(l_cur_id, l_sql, dbms_sql.native);
dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cur_id, '1', l_res);
l_dbms := dbms_sql.execute(l_cur_id); -- ORA here
when others then
In-parameters work fine. I'm using Oracle Database 12 Enterprise Edition Release
Do I have to config the out-parameter in another way? I'm thankful for any help.
You haven't specified a size for the bind variable. By default it uses the current length of the variable; from the documentation:
Parameter Description out_value_size
Maximum expected OUT value size, in bytes, for the VARCHAR2, RAW, CHAR OUT or IN/OUT variable. If no size is given, then the length of the current value is used. This parameter must be specified if the value parameter is not initialized.
As that variable is by default initialised as null, that length is zero; which is the same as saying it isn't initialised. So it errors when it tries to assign the four-character 'test'
to to the zero-character variable.
You also need to call dbms_sql.variable_value
to get retrieve the out bind variable value.
If you initialised l_res
with a value at least as long as anything you might assign inside the dynamic block then it would work:
l_res VARCHAR2(100) := 'xxxx';
dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cur_id, '1', l_res);
l_dbms := dbms_sql.execute(l_cur_id);
dbms_sql.variable_value(l_cur_id, '1', l_res);
but that obviously ideal, as really you'd need to supply a value 100-chars long, and remember to adjust that if the length changed later; so instead specify the length in the bind call:
l_res VARCHAR2(100);
dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cur_id, '1', l_res, 100);
l_dbms := dbms_sql.execute(l_cur_id);
dbms_sql.variable_value(l_cur_id, '1', l_res);