I have a mac and I have installed eclipse che using chectl inside docker-desktop using command
chectl server:deploy --platform=docker-desktop --installer=helm
In order to install any plugins/apks we have to have our own recepie so I built a custom recipe using a docker file and have used image FROM docker:dind pushed it to docker hub and my devfile looks like this where amoldeshpande/custom-node-test is my docker file pushed to dockerhub
apiVersion: 1.0.0
name: test
- mountSources: true
- name: test
port: 3000
memoryLimit: 512Mi
type: dockerimage
alias: nodejs
image: amoldeshpande/custom-node-test
Now when I run docker command inside eclipse che workspace / $ docker images Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? I get this error.
I found out that it needs privileged access so I edited the che deployment file
kubectl edit deployment che -n eclipse-che
privileged: true
kubectl rollout restart deployment/che -n eclipse-che
And still, I get the same error. Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? Can anyone help me here?
The best way to use a docker inside the eclipse che env is to use buildah plugin which requires no additional setup as it does not requires any root access. In the devfile, just add this plugin
- id: moby/buildkit/latest
type: chePlugin
And you can run all the docker commands.