Given a large markdown file with a structure like:
# Main
## Sub main Z
### Title Z
Content Z
### Title B
Content B
## Sub main A
### Title A
Content A
How would one sort its sections so that they are in alphabetical order by heading?
# Main
## Sub main A
### Title A
Content A
## Sub main Z
### Title B
Content B
### Title Z
Content Z
I tried to use pandoc
, but in step from AST to markdown was lost many formatting like new line
and etc.
I found another way to do that. We need only MS Word
) and apply style Title 1
, Title 2
and so on. Change the name of style for you.Sub insertStyleHeaders()
Dim hashCount As Integer
Dim styleStr As String
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
With oRng.Find
.text = "#"
While .Execute
oRng.MoveEnd wdParagraph
If InStr(oRng.text, "# ") Then
hashCount = Len(oRng.text) - Len(Replace(oRng.text, "#", ""))
styleStr = "Title " + CStr(hashCount)
oRng.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles(styleStr)
End If
oRng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub
-> Collapse All Headings
Ctrl + A
) and apply plain text
style in order to remove header styles.