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Raster: if the coordinates exactly match replace the values, if not NA

I'd like to replace the actual raster (r) values with new values in (Class@data$layer). But, my condition is if the coordinates in raster r exactly match with Class coordinates (SpatialPointsDataFrame), then replace with the new values (layer), and all over the coordinates replace with NA. In my example:


# create raster
r <- matrix(rnorm(n=10000,mean=10),100,100)
r <- raster(r)
extent(r) <- c(544937,545916,7321332,7322524)
projection(r) <- "+proj=utm +zone=22 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"

# Selection of some coordinates that exists in the raster 
ras.coords <-
coords.sample <- ras.coords %>% sample_n(100)

# Create a new values
coords.sample$layer <- rpois(n=100, lambda=25)

# Convert  to SPDF
Class <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = coords.sample[,1:2],
                           data =[,3]), 
                           proj4string = crs(r))
names(Class) <-("layer")

#Rewrite raster values, but the values are populated if exist the coordinate correspondence if not replace by NA

r[cellFromXY(r, Class@coords)] <- Class@data$class

Obviously doesn't work, but it expresses my goal. Please, any help with my problem?


  • If I understand you correctly, you can just do

    x <- rasterize(Class, r, "layer")