I have modeled 5 models in abaqus. Now I want to open the odbs by Abaqus python script and extract data in different paths. But I can't open the odbs together. How can write to open all the odbs together? I could create paths, but how can I extract the stresses from the same path for my 5 model? Thanks in advance.
import visualization
from abaqus import *
from odbAccess import openOdb
l1 = [200.0,200.0]
height = [1000.0]
l2 = [200.0,200.0]
T1 = [20.0,25.0]
delta_t= [20.0,25.0]
multiplied_list = [element * 4 for element in delta_t]
partition_datum_plane_XY = [750.0,1080.0,1250.0,1786.0]
# list of ODB-Files
odb_names = ['Para_Analysis_H_1000_W_200_t1_40_T1_20.odb','Para_Analysis_H_1000_W_200_t1_50_T1_30.odb',
'Para_Analysis_H_1000_W_200_t1_30_T1_15.odb'] # Dummy list
odbs = [1]*len(odb_names);
vips = [1]*len(odb_names);
for s,odb_name in enumerate(odb_names):
print('\n\nlooping for %s ODB...'%odb_names)
vips[s] = session.Viewport(name='Girder Viewport_%d'%(s+1))
odbs[s] = session.openOdb(name=odb_name)
path=session.Path(name='Path-1', type=POINT_LIST, expression=((l1[i], T1[i],partition_datum_plane_XY[0]),
(l1[i], T1[i],partition_datum_plane_XY[1]), (l1[i], t1[i],multiplied_list[i]+partition_datum_plane_XY[1]),
(l1[i], t1[i],partition_datum_plane_XY[2])))
variable=(('S',INTEGRATION_POINT,((COMPONENT, 'S11' ),)),))
session.writeXYReport(fileName='%s.txt'%name, xyData=(newXYData,))
Abaqus stores some specific type of objects in the Repository
. Hence, whenever you create these objects, the name of that object must be unique. Example of Abaqus objects, xy plot
, viewports
, paths
, steps
, models
, etc..
Secondly, to use Abaqus specific constants, such as DEFORMED
, UNDEFORMED(capital variables), you have to import
abaqusConstants ` module.
I just looked at your code and made few changes.
import odbAccess
from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *
from viewerModules import *
from driverUtils import executeOnCaeStartup
l1 = [200.0,200.0,200.0,200.0,200.0] #Bottom flange length
height = [1000.0,1000.0,1000.0,1000.0,1000.0] #Total height
# odb_names --> list of ODB names for which to access the data from
odb_names = ['Para_Analysis_H_1000_W_200_t1_40_T1_20.odb',
viewp = session.currentViewportName
viewport = session.viewports[viewp]
# Creating the paths - You can change the expressions for the pah.
# These paths are specific to session and NOT to ODB. Hence, if you created once,
# you can use it for any number of ODBs. Path name must be UNIQUE.
for i in range(len(l1)):
session.Path(name='Path-1-Bottom-Upper-Side_%d'%(i+1), type=POINT_LIST, expression=
((l1[i],Y_coord,Z_coord), (l1[i]/2,Y_coord,Z_coord),))
# session.Path(name='Path-1', type=POINT_LIST, expression=((l1[i], T1[i],partition_datum_plane_XY[0]),
# (l1[i], T1[i],partition_datum_plane_XY[1]), (l1[i], t1[i],multiplied_list[i]+partition_datum_plane_XY[1]),
# (l1[i], t1[i],partition_datum_plane_XY[2])))
# Dummy list with length of odb_names list. In this we can store the ODB objects
odbs = [1]*len(odb_names); count_plots = 0
for s,odb_name in enumerate(odb_names):
print('\n\nlooping for %s ODB...'%odb_name)
# Opening the ODB
odbs[s] = session.openOdb(name=odb_name)
# Setting the ODB to the viewport in DEFORMED state
# Setting S11 component of stress tot he viewport
outputPosition=INTEGRATION_POINT, refinement=(COMPONENT,'S11'))
for i in range(len(l1)):
count_plots = count_plots + 1
print('Creating plots | %d'%count_plots)
# Accessing the path created before
pth = session.paths['Path-node_%d'%(i+1)]
# Creating the xy plot.
xyp = session.XYPlot('XYPlot-S11-%d'%(count_plots))
chartName = xyp.charts.keys()[0]
chart = xyp.charts[chartName]
xy1 = xyPlot.XYDataFromPath(name='xy_data_%d'%(count_plots),path=pth, includeIntersections=True,
#Plot curve
c1 = session.Curve(xyData=xy1)
chart.setValues(curvesToPlot=(c1, ), )
After seeing your code, I feel there is lot to learn for you regarding the Abaqus Python scripting (pardon me if I am wrong). To get started, you can read Abaqus Scripting User's Guide
and later you can explore Abaqus Scripting Reference Guide