I need visually remove the decimal place (00) from the price and maintain only the comma or point after the first integer.
E.g: $ 10,
E.g: $ 7,
This is the code:
$retorno .= "<div class='cc_btn_checkout_container d-none' data-price='".$product->get_price()."'><div
The object receives the price: .$product->get_price(). = $ 10.00
The price is displayed here inside:
<p id='cc_btn_amount'>$ 10.00</p>
I'm trying with this function....but until now nothing happens.
$retorno .= "<div class='cc_btn_checkout_container d-none' data-price='".number_format($product->get_price(), 0)."'><div
The number need to be displayed like this: $ 10,
How can I do this? Is that the correct function to be used in this case?
Obs: I must maintain the comma after the price, I cannot in this case remove the comma or the point as others Woo functions does.
Check out the functions in this article from Tyche Softwares
Just remove $decimal from the return and the <sup>
if you don't need it.
"If you want the decimal separator in the superscript, you can easily do that too. If you look at our filter, it has an argument called $decimal_separator. This is the same separator which we have set in the WooCommerce settings. We just have to include that in our final result. Here is an example –
add_filter( 'formatted_woocommerce_price', 'ts_woo_decimal_price', 10, 5 );
function ts_woo_decimal_price( $formatted_price, $price, $decimal_places, $decimal_separator, $thousand_separator ) {
$unit = number_format( intval( $price ), 0, $decimal_separator, $thousand_separator );
$decimal = sprintf( '%02d', ( $price - intval( $price ) ) * 100 );
return $unit . '<sup>' . $decimal_separator. $decimal . '</sup>';