I have a One To Many relationship between User Model & Order Model:
public function order()
return $this->hasMany(Order::class);
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
Now I need to access user instance from order:
$order = Order::where('id', $id)->update(['status' => 'verified', 'price' => $data['price']]);
$user = $order->user;
But in this way, I get this error:
Trying to get property 'user' of non-object
So how to solve this issue and access user instance properly?
Here is the Migration of orders
Schema::create('orders', function (Blueprint $table) {
update method wont return order detail's because update return true
or false
. So change it to
$order = Order::find($id);
$user = $order->user;
update method takes array as argument update(array $values)
and return int