I am writing a script to validate csv files. I have several functions that do things like checking if a certain field is below some threshold, or check if there are any NaN values.
These functions return(True) if the checks are passed, return(False) otherwise.
I am trying to figure out the correct/pythonic way to stop processing once one of these checks fails & returns False.
I tried while True, but this only evaluates the last value returned in the loop. Any help is appreciated!
#I have functions that validate certain things in a csv file
#those functions return(True) if they pass the test, return(False) otherwise.
#I want to be able to call these functions and have the file stop
#processing once a False is returned.
def function1():
def function2():
def function3():
def function4():
#works, but not pythonic.
checkpoint1 = function1()
if checkpoint1 == True:
checkpoint2 = function2()
if checkpoint2 == True:
checkpoint3 = function3()
if checkpoint3 == True:
checkpoint4 = function4()
if checkpoint4 == True:
print("all checkpoints passed")
print("Fail 4")
print("Fail 3")
print("Fail 2")
print("Fail 1")
Combine the functions into a single list, then iterate over that list to call each, breaking early if one fails.
for i, f in enumerate([function1, function2, function3, function4], start=1):
if not f():
print(f"Fail {i}")
print("all checkpoints passed")
If you didn't want the output, you could simply use all
if all(f() for f in [function1, function2, function3, function4]):
print("all checkpoints passed")
print("One checkpoint failed")