Say if I want to add 11 to all the numbers in the variable "e". How would I do it?
ans = input("Enter here string of numbers here")
add = input("How much do you want to add each individual numbers by: ") #here is when it will minus each individual number print(output)
e = "21,45,42,71"
So it should now say (after you add 11 and print it)
ans = input("Enter string of numbers here")
add = input("How much do you want to add each individual numbers by: ")
#here is when it will minus each individual number
try this:
a= "21,45,42,71" #your string
lst = list(map(int,a.split(","))) #splitted every number and converted to int and stored in list
result = list(map(lambda x:x+11,lst)) #added 11 to each number