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How to run scopt scala apllication

I am using this library to write cli application:

I can run my application only inside sbt with command: run --foo 2 -b 1

Ideally I would like to run my application in terminal like this: myapp --foo 2 -b 1 or this script : ./myapp --foo 2 -b 1

How can I do it?


  • You can use sbt-assembly to create a Fat jar than then you can run like:

    java -jar path/to/app.jar --foo 2 -b 1

    You can also use sbt-native-packager to create an installer for your platform, after running the installer there will be a script in the PATH that will allow you to do:

    app --foo 2 -b 1

    But, under the hood, this is still calling java -jar
    If you do not want to need to install a JRE on your target platform you can use sbt-native-image (which under the hood uses Graal) to create a native image of your app that could be run like any other binary.

    ./app --foo 2 -b 1