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How do I remove a directory inside container with JIB?

If it is a docker file, I want to remove the directory by executing the following command.

RUN rm /usr/bin/wget

How can I do it? any help is appreciated


  • First thing to emphasize: in Dockerfile, RUN rm /usr/bin/wget doesn't physically remove the file. Files and directories in previous layers will physically stay there forever. So, if you are trying to remove a file with sensitive information using rm, it's not going to work. As an example, recently, this oversight has led to a high-profile security breach in Codecov.

    Docker Layer Attacks: Publicly distributed Docker images should be either squashed or multistage such that intermediate layers that contain sensitive information are excluded from the final build.

    What happens is, RUN rm /usr/bin/wget creates another layer that contains a "whiteout" file /usr/bin/.wh.wget, and this new layer sits on top of all previous layers. Then at runtime, it's just that container runtimes will hide the file and you will not see it. However, if you download the image and inspect each layer, you will be able to see and extract both /usr/bin/wget and /usr/bin/.wh.wget files. So, yes, doing rm later doesn't reduce the size of the image at all. (BTW, each RUN in Dockerfile creates a new layer at the end. So, for example, if you remove files within the same RUN like RUN touch /foo && rm /foo, you will not leave /foo in the final image.)

    Therefore, with Jib, if the file or directory you want to "delete" is coming from a base image, what you can do is to create a new whiteout file for it. Jib has the <extraDirectories> feature to copy arbitrary files into an image. So, for example, since <project root>/src/main/jib is the default extra directory, you can create an empty src/main/jib/usr/bin/.wh.wget, which will be coped into /usr/bin/.wh.wget in an image.

    And of course, if you really want to physically remove the file that comes from the base image, the only option is to rebuild your base image so that it doesn't contain /usr/bin/wget.

    For completeness: if the file or directory you want to remove is not from your base image but from Jib, you can use the Jib Layer-Filter extension (Maven/Gradle). (This is app-layer filtering and doesn't involve whiteout files.) However, normally there will be no reason to remove files put by Jib.