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How can I add double quotes to a string parameter in Jenkins pipeline script

I have a Jenkins pipeline job. The job is taking an input parameter as string. I am able to retrieve that value from the script.

I wanted to add or enclose that string within double quotes. How can I achieve that?

Input parameter :

In the script : echo InputLink

is printing me the value

Expected result ""


  • In your pipeline code just add quotes to the input string.

    Assuming your input parameter is called Input:

    quoted_input = '"' + Input + '"'
    //or using string interpolation 
    quoted_input = "\"${Input}\""

    Then you can use the quoted_input wherever you need the quoted value.

    If you are using a declarative pipeline use a script block:

    script {
        quoted_input = "\"${params.Input}\""

    Or define it as an environment variable so it will be available for all stages:

    pipeline {
        environment {
            QUOTED_INPUT = "\"${params.Input}\""