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Enhancing the Buildr release process

I'd like to tie a custom task into the default buildr release cycle. I'd like to run this code after the project has been compiled, packaged, tagged and deployed but before it increments the version number and commits that.

How would I tie into this part of the release cycle?


  • Unfortunately, the release task isn't composed of sub-tasks that you could potentially hook into and extend with your own task(s).

    To quote the current implementation,

    # Make a release.
    def make
      @this_version = extract_version
      with_release_candidate_version do |release_candidate_buildfile|
        args = '-S', 'buildr', "_#{Buildr::VERSION}_", '--buildfile', release_candidate_buildfile
        args << '--environment' << Buildr.environment unless Buildr.environment.to_s.empty?
        args << 'clean' << 'upload' << 'DEBUG=no'
        ruby *args
      tag_release resolve_tag
      update_version_to_next if this_version != resolve_next_version(this_version)

    As you can see, Buildr forks a separate process and essentially runs buildr clean upload One possibility would be to enhance the upload task and add your tasks as dependencies, e.g.,

    task :my_custom_task do
      # do stuff
    task :upload => [ :my_custom_task ]

    If this doesn't meet your needs, I'd recommend opening an enhancement request at