I want to get a specific object from a group, for example I have the following objects:
var circleGroup = new H.map.Group({
volatility: true,
objects: [theCircle, circleOutline]
this._circle = circleGroup;
And I want to get the value of the object "theCircle", I'm using the below code to get the value of the object "theCircle" but it does not work.
This is how you can create H.map.Group of objects and you are right about the method to access specific object by calling _circle.getObjects()[0];
Creating H.map.Group
circleGroup = new H.map.Group({
volatility: true
// put all objects into one group
circleGroup.addObjects([circle, polygon, rect, polyline]);
I have modified the example in the below link that implements H.map.Group https://developer.here.com/documentation/examples/maps-js/geoshapes/draggable-shapes
Working Example: https://jsfiddle.net/raj0665/q7agonfb/7/
In this example:
// place group with all objects on the map
//To access just circle on the map, comment above line and uncomment below code of line
// map.addObject(_draggableGroup.getObjects()[0]);