I'm writing a function that takes a data frame and a column names as arguments, and returns the data frame with the column indicated being transformed to character type. However, I'm stuck at the non-standard evaluation part of dplyr.
My current code:
df <- tibble(id = 1:5, value = 6:10)
col <- "id"
mutate(df, "{col}" := as.character({{ col }}))
# # A tibble: 5 x 2
# id value
# <chr> <int>
# 1 id 6
# 2 id 7
# 3 id 8
# 4 id 9
# 5 id 10
As you can see, instead of transforming the contents of the column to character type, the column values are replaced by the column names. {{ col }}
isn't evaluated like I expected it to be. What I want is a dynamic equivalent of this:
mutate(df, id = as.character(id))
# # A tibble: 5 x 2
# id value
# <chr> <int>
# 1 1 6
# 2 2 7
# 3 3 8
# 4 4 9
# 5 5 10
I've tried to follow the instructions provided in dplyr's programming vignette, but I'm not finding a solution that works. What am I doing wrong?
Use the .data
pronoun -
df <- tibble(id = 1:5, value = 6:10)
col <- "id"
mutate(df, "{col}" := as.character(.data[[col]]))
# id value
# <chr> <int>
#1 1 6
#2 2 7
#3 3 8
#4 4 9
#5 5 10
Some other alternatives -
mutate(df, "{col}" := as.character(get(col)))
mutate(df, "{col}" := as.character(!!sym(col)))