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Matplotlib plots graph in a very strange way

Trying to plot UV-index over the course of the day. The data comes from an api, which after some treatment gives me the data in a nice list. The plot however is absolutely disgusting. Link to graph. Y-axis values are repeated and thrown around, so there are multiple 0s, positive numbers on both sides of the multiple 0s, and a nightmare to interpret. Thanks in advance


import requests
import re
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Get weather information
response = requests.get(",daily,alerts&units=metric&appid=0f0212703cfecb4699dfc2c7edde950a")

# Save weather information to file
with open("weather.csv", 'w') as file:

# Opens the file and gets all the values of "uv-index"
with open("Weather.csv", 'r') as text:
    pattern = 'uvi":(.*?),'
    Line =
    substring = np.array(re.findall(pattern, Line))

# Creates an x-axis as a list with the same size as y-axis
# If they're not the same size, error is given:
# ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (12,) and (49,)
x_axis = []
for i in range(len(substring)):
x_axis = np.array(x_axis)

# Determines size and plots graph
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
ax.plot(x_axis, substring)

# Creates labels
plt.title("UV-Index today")

# Saves the plot as image and shows it on screen
plt.savefig("UV-Index" + ".png")


  • Your substring is a list of strings. Matplotlib treats strings as discrete values (so there's no difference in distance between '0' and '0.01' and '0' and '1000'; and there's no order between them, so '1000' could appear lower than '0').

    Convert your substring to float before plotting:

    substring = list(map(float,substring))

    Or, since your substring is a numpy array:

    substring = substring.astype('float')