This seems easy. But I cannot find an easy and quick solution to this thing. I just want to run an apply function on a data frame - the result should show columnwise a message containing the column name. The rest of my command is working fine...
apply(airquality, 2, function(x) message(names(x)," has ",sum(!," cases.\n","NA values: ",
length(x) - sum(!
It does not show the name of each column. I suspect that this is because it works columnwise.. do I need to come up with my own function? Thanks, Nadine
Here is how I would do it with purrr::iwalk()
purrr::iwalk(airquality, ~ message(sprintf("%s has %s cases.\nNA values: %s",
Ozone has 116 cases.
NA values: 37
Solar.R has 146 cases.
NA values: 7
Wind has 153 cases.
NA values: 0
Temp has 153 cases.
NA values: 0
Month has 153 cases.
NA values: 0
Day has 153 cases.
NA values: 0