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How to raise NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs with XUnit

I have a class implementing INotifyCollectionChanged and I would like to test if the CollectionChanged event is raised for specific scenarios.

I've tried the code bellow but I am getting compiler errors and so far I couldn't find a solution.

public void RaiseOnAddition()
  Action addition = () => Collection["new key"] = 3;

    handler => Collection.CollectionChanged += handler, // compiler error
    handler => Collection.CollectionChanged -= handler, // compiler error

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.EventHandler<System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs>' to 'System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler'

The problem lies in the fact that handler is EventHandler<NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs> where I want a NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler<NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs>.

Note: There's a specific function to test PropertyChanged (Assert.PropertyChanged) but not for CollectionChanged.


  • I guess there's no alternative than doing something like this,

    public void RaiseOnAddition()
      var timesRaised = 0;
      NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler handler += () => ++timesRaised;
      Collection["new key"] = 3;
      Assert.Equals(1, timesRaised);
      NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler handler -= () => ++timesRaised;