I want to take string input from user and do some bash processing to filter out ABC characters in one file, 123 numeric values in another file and @#$ special characters in another file.
Input string: ABCD1234!@#
cat file1.txt: ABCD
cat file2.txt: 1234
cat file3.txt: !@#
I tried certain cut and awk commands but didn't find any solution. Found many solutions in other languages but not in bash.
echo "abc123#@" | tr -dc '0-9' && echo "abc123#@" | tr -dc 'a-z'
I cannot extract all special characters from it. Also how to from one command. or bash script? if my question makes sense
You can use this single awk
command for this:
awk '{
p = q = r = $0
gsub(/[^[:alpha:]]+/, "", p)
gsub(/[^[:digit:]]+/, "", q)
gsub(/[[:alnum:]]+/, "", r)
print p > "file1.txt"
print q > "file2.txt"
print r > "file3.txt"
}' <<< "$str"