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How to label a Gmail message with IMAP_mailbox (imap-tools)?

We can fetch a Gmail mailbox using Mailbox/IMAP_mailbox (imap-tools) as follows:

from imap_tools import MailBox as IMAP_mailbox

# Init
mailbox = IMAP_mailbox(HOST)
mailbox.login(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD)

# Fetch
messages = mailbox.fetch(AND(seen=SEEN), bulk=BULK, mark_seen=MARK_SEEN, limit=LIMIT)

Then we can iterate through the messages as follows:

for message in messages:

To mark the message as seen we can do the following:

mailbox.seen(message.uid, True)

However, instead of labelling it as seen, I would like assign a Gmail label to it. How can this be achieved? in this setup?


  • You may use custom flag, example:

    with MailBox('').login('', 'pwd', 'INBOX') as mailbox:
        # FLAG unseen messages in current folder as \Seen, \Flagged and TAG1
        flags = (imap_tools.MailMessageFlags.SEEN, imap_tools.MailMessageFlags.FLAGGED, 'TAG1')
        mailbox.flag(mailbox.uids(AND(seen=False)), flags, True)

    Adding gmail label not implemented (not planned). Only search by them:
