I have below POM in my project.
mvn clean verify -P it
<!-- Max retry count -->
Test class:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import net.serenitybdd.cucumber.CucumberWithSerenity;
plugin = {"pretty"},
glue = {"my.stepdefinitions"},
tags = {"@Demo"},
features = "src/it/resources/features/"
public class MicroServiceCucumberTests {
path: src/it/java
Basically it trigger sure-fire and then startup the app and just stuck there without executing maven-failsafe-plugin:2.21.0:integration-test (integration-tests)
Versions are being used:
After digging further into logs what I noticed was, app didn't start up properly and stuck with below logs
DEBUG] Application argument(s): --server.port=54110 --spring.profiles.active=it
[DEBUG] Connecting to local MBeanServer at port 54111
[DEBUG] Waiting for spring application to start...
[DEBUG] MBean server at port 54111 is not up yet...
[DEBUG] Spring application is not ready yet, waiting 2000ms (attempt 1)
[DEBUG] MBean server at port 54111 is not up yet...
[DEBUG] Spring application is not ready yet, waiting 2000ms (attempt 2)
This solution worked for me https://stackoverflow.com/a/65952986/2303693
Adding below within the spring-boot-maven-plugin in the POM did the trick.
However same code worked in iOS machine without above fix. Further still not sure what caused the issue in Windows.