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Gatling Evaluate Expression Language

Gatling parses Strings parameter values and turn them into functions that will compute a result based on the data stored into the Session when they will be evaluated.

Gatling Documentation

Is there any way to do this manually in an exec?

I have multiple request body templates which use EL attributes, the request sent will differ based on a feeder

The code I currently have is as such:

// Body itself contains attributes say ${uuid}
val body1 = Source.fromResource("body1.json")
val body2 = Source.fromResource("body2.json")

val scn: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Dynamic body")
    .exec(session => {
        session.set("request", body1)
        session.set("request", body2)
    .exec(http("Http Call")
// This won't evaluate the nested attribute and body will remain ${uuid} instead of an actual UUID

I expect that there won't be a way to evaluate nested EL attributes, but is there a way to manually evaluate it using session variables? Something along the lines of

.exec(session => {
    val evaluatedBody = merge(body1, session)
    session("request", evaluatedBody)

I've seen ELCompiler being referenced in some other questions, but not sure where to import it from and how to use it with session values


  • You should use ElFileBody that takes a file path parameter, which can be a function.

    val scn = scenario("Dynamic body")
        .exec(http("Http Call")
            ElFileBody(session =>
                session("requestType").as[String] match {
                  case "first" => "body1.json"
                  case _       => "body2.json"