This notificationsCount$
is being called by several components. That's why I make one initial call the first time a component want to read the data.
this.initialLoad = false;
readonly notificationsCount$ =
tap(() => {
this.initialLoad = true;
without filtering, the selector is returning 0, the initial value, and 3, the number of notifications after the call was made to backend. I want the selector to emit every value but the initial one, i.e. 0.
skip(0) still returns both values, i.e. 0 and 3. skip(1) returns 0. skip(2) doesn't return anything.
Thanks for helping
There is index argument you can mergeMap/switchMap
to count the emission and depend on the index you can swallow the emission with never(),index)=>{
if(index<1) return never()
// do you stuff