Good day
I am trying to call the ApplyState(state) function. This is a protected function inside PX.Objects.IN.INScanReceive.
I am reading a QR code and the value has a lot/serial number and expiry date. The idea is to set the 2 values during the ProcessItemBarcode function call. The problem is when calling the base method the state is set and the "screens state" wants me to scan the lot/serial.
What I need to do is call the ProcessConfirm() or ApplyState(state). But calling the functions inside ProcessItemBarcode is where I stuck:
using PX.Common;
using PX.Data;
using WMSBase = PX.Objects.IN.WarehouseManagementSystemGraph<PX.Objects.IN.INScanReceive, PX.Objects.IN.INScanReceiveHost, PX.Objects.IN.INRegister, PX.Objects.IN.INScanReceive.Header>;
using PX.Objects.IN;
namespace MyCustomPackage.Graph.Extension
public class INScanReceiveHostExtCustomPackage2 : PXGraphExtension<INScanReceive, INScanReceiveHost>
public static bool IsActive() => true;
#region Overrides ProcessItemBarcode
public delegate void ProcessItemBarcodeDelegate(string barcode);
public virtual void ProcessItemBarcode(string barcode, ProcessItemBarcodeDelegate baseMethod)
//..//logic go change barcode
// Option one call ApplyState()
// Option2 one call ProcessLotSerialBarcode
// I dont know how to send the delegate
ProcessLotSerialBarcode(barcode, );
#region Overrides ProcessLotSerialBarcode
public delegate void ProcessLotSerialBarcodeDelegate(string barcode);
public virtual void ProcessLotSerialBarcode(string barcode, ProcessLotSerialBarcodeDelegate baseMethod)
public abstract class INScanReceiveHostExtProtectedAccess : PXGraphExtension<INScanReceiveHostExtCustomPackage, INScanReceive, INScanReceiveHost>
protected abstract void ProcessItemBarcode(string barcode);
protected abstract void ApplyState(string state);
protected abstract void ProcessLotSerialBarcode(string barcode);
This is not the preferred method but when I can't figure out another option I will copy the source from Acumatica, e.g. Static methods and private ones. I will make note in my code that they were copied so I can make sure to duplication the process when versions change. You can then call those methods locally. Not elegant but works for me :)