I've been trying to build a python script to download torrent files using transmission cli
and I need to print the download progress and abort the script once the download is finished.
So I tried using regex as mentioned in the code block below
out = subprocess.check_output("transmission-remote --auth 'transmission':'transmission' --list", shell=True);
percentage = re.findall(r'^[0-9].+%$', str(out))
But so far it's returning an empty list and the value of out
is as below
ID Done Have ETA Up Down Ratio Status Name
1 100% 5.57 GB Done 71.0 1.0 0.0 Seeding Sample
Sum: 5.57 GB 71.0 1.0
Why's the regex not extracting the percentages? Some help is appreciated.
Try this pattern:
The capture group grabs only the digits (that are immediately followed by a percentage %