I have created a pygame application and I want to send it to my peers through email. I used cx_Freeze to create executable file. I followed https://pythonprogramming.net/converting-pygame-executable-cx_freeze/ to create the file. It runs perfectly on my laptop but when I zip the entire folder and send it to someone through email and ask them to run on their PC, the executable file crashes by displaying a command window which runs for 1 second and it is unable to view the error. I used the code for creating executable.
import cx_Freeze
import os
executables = [cx_Freeze.Executable("my_file.py")]
name="Sample Program",
options={"build_exe": {"packages":["pygame"],
"include_files":[os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) +"\\my_image.png",
os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) + "\\data\\"]}},
executables = executables
I do not want them to go through any installation process for Python or Pygame. How can I fix this and make it run in every other PC ?
You should use PyInstaller instead of cx_Freeze: you just need to type one line of code in the command prompt, you don't need any other file, and you have the possibility to convert your .py
file into only one .exe
file, without a whole bunch of other files.
This way you can't miss any file in the .zip
To avoid that issue, you can either:
from a win32 computer.