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Xamarin Forms ConverterParameter XAML error Invalid Property Path Syntax

I have a text binding in my XAML as follows:

Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ColumnToCaption}, ConverterParameter=-1}"

It simply takes the column number and looks up what the caption should be for that column based on data I have stored in a collection. That has been working fine but after one of the last set of upgrades to Visual Studio / Xamarin forms, the XAML intelisense started generating the error "Invalid Property Value". I didn't think much of it because the app seemed to work. Then some weird things started happing in my app and I noticed in my error list, I have a 43 "Invalid Property Value" errors listed (basically one for every place I use the ConverterParameter).

I double checked the MS documentation to ensure nothing changed (this link and it still shows passing the value in as a number is OK. Here is the example from the MS documentation:

 <Label Text="{Binding Red, Converter={StaticResource doubleToInt}, ConverterParameter=255,
     StringFormat='Red = {0:X2}'}" />

I am simply trying to rule this out as the source of my problem but I cannot seem to find out how to get the error to go away. Any assistance would be appreciated.

OH here is the converter code just so you can see it:

public class ColumnToCaption : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        string ls_ReturnValue = ""; 
            if (System.Convert.ToInt32(parameter.ToString()) < 0)
                if (App.gvm_AppSettings.AutoExpire)
                    ls_ReturnValue = AppResources.Time;
                    ls_ReturnValue = AppResources.CheckedIn;
                ls_ReturnValue = App.gvm_AppSettings.FormFieldCaptionText(Int32.Parse(parameter.ToString()));
        catch (Exception ex)

        return ls_ReturnValue;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();


  • Could you not add a string resource?

            <converters:DoubleToInt x:Key="doubleToInt" />
            <x:String x:Key="twoFiveFive">255</x:String>
        <Label Text="{Binding Red, Converter={StaticResource doubleToInt}, ConverterParameter={StaticResource twoFiveFive}}" .../>