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How to use the AWS Transcribe javascript sdk

I am trying to use the @aws-sdk/client-transcribe-streaming in an Angular project, without any luck.

The below code is the only example provided by AWS

// ES6+ example
import {
} from "@aws-sdk/client-transcribe-streaming";

// a client can be shared by different commands.
const client = new TranscribeStreamingClient({ region: "REGION" });

const params = {
  /** input parameters */
const command = new StartStreamTranscriptionCommand(params);

As said by the SDK's documentation, the StartStreamTranscriptionCommand object expects the params parameter to be of type StartStreamTranscriptionCommandInput.

This StartStreamTranscriptionCommandInput object has an AudioStream field that is of type AsyncIterable<AudioStream>, which is, I assume, the audio stream that will be sent to be transcribed by AWS.

The problem is that I don't know how to create this AudioStream object, and the only hint that the documentation gives us is that it is a "PCM-encoded stream of audio blobs. The audio stream is encoded as an HTTP2 data frame."

Any help on how to create an AsyncIterable<AudioStream> will be greatly appreciated.


  • It turns out that they removed the only explanation on how to get this AsyncIterable<AudioStream> from their readme for some reason. By searching through their GitHub issues, someone pointed me to this old version of the readme from an old commit. This version contains a few examples on how to create this object.