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Error while trying to use a CSS selector with requests-HTML

I have a code:

from requests_html import HTMLSession

url = ''
s = HTMLSession()

r = s.get(url)

#Both of these give the same error:

name = r.html.find('h1.D(ib) Fz(18px)', first = True).text
name = r.html.find('h1.D(ib).Fz(18px)', first = True).text


which results in the following error:

cssselect.parser.SelectorSyntaxError: Expected selector, got <DELIM '(' at 4>

Sometimes putting a dot in the full class name where there is a space works (see the second version for name). I don't think I am making a mistake following the documentation, but it seems to me that the parentheses in class names here are problematic. If I use Beautifulsoup, I can get around this problem, but I really would like to understand how to fix this issue within Requests-HTML.


  • You need to escape the parentheses :

    from requests_html import HTMLSession
    url = ''
    s = HTMLSession()
    r = s.get(url)
    name = r.html.find('h1.D\(ib\)', first=True).text


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