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In a wikidata SPARQL query how to address a file?

How to address a commons Media File?

In wikidata want to find all objects, which have a commons media file attached through a specific property with a SPARQL query.


SELECT ?item
    # get all objects which have this file as a LocatorMap
    ?item wdt:P242 commons:LocationPeru.svg

This does not work and neither do all variants like wd:commons:LocationPeru.svg, p:P242 [ps:P242 psv:commons:LocationCuba.svg] or everything else I tried. I also tried a FILTER with the label but rdfs:label ?label did not work for me on the fileobject.

So, how is the correct syntax?


Actually, I want to filter out specific ones from a more complex query with MINUS, but reduced my problem to this.


  • You can use the image's full URL:

    SELECT ?item
      ?item wdt:P242 <>

    Actually, from the above query it seems that no item indicates LocationPeru.svg as locator map. This is because in Q419#P242 there is an higher-ranked locator map.

    For ignoring the statements' ranking, you can use:

    SELECT ?item
      ?item p:P242 [ ps:P242 <> ]

    For filtering only the normal rank, you can use:

    SELECT ?item
      ?item p:P242 [
          ps:P242 <> ;
          wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank