Access to my normal package feed is temporarily failing and I need to organise an alternative.
I have the relevant files locally
It would be wonderful if I could simply upload them into the feed. But I see no upload option to do this.
When I click Connect to feed I see instructions
nuget.exe push -Source "feedname" -ApiKey az <packagePath>
So I tried at the dos command line but got an error
The specified source 'feedname' is invalid. Provide a valid source.
The feed does actually exist.
After following Turbot's advice, and after figuring out my user name was my email, I got a message NonAuthoritiveInvormation "Your package was pushed" but I do not see it yet.
Checking this issue
My commands look like this
nuget.exe sources add -Name "MyFeedName" -Source "" -username "" -password "mypat"
nuget push -Source "MyFeedName" -ApiKey az C:\Users\kirst\.nuget\packages\mypackage\1.0.173\mypackage.1.0.173.nupkg
I put the commands into a .bat file When I re-run it I also see that
The name specified has already been added to the list of available package sources.
Provide a unique name.
I guess that makes sense.
I also see
Your Package was pushed
Yet it was not.
I also tried enclosing the package name in double quotes.
I see from typing nuget ? that
push Pushes a package to the server and publishes it.
NuGet's default configuration is obtained by loading %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config, then loading any n
uget.config or .nuget\nuget.config starting from root of drive and ending in current directory.
I wonder if that is relevant somehow.
Nuget.exe is Version:
Here are the docs
I found that the add command was writing to
I edited that to remove the feed and re-ran my bat file. Then I was able to get it to work.
The other thing I had wrong was the url itself. It should have been like
to be precise in Azure DevOps using Nuget you need to supply userid and PAT to in nuget.config or in command.
nuget sources add -Name <SourceName> -Source <SourceURL> -username <UserName> -password <Pat>
nuget push -Source <SourceName> -ApiKey az <PackagePath exp:(.\Get-Hello.1.0.0.nupkg)>