Search code examples

(Chess) Problem with negamax search missing checkmate

I'm implementing a search algorithm into the search function with Negamax with alpha-beta pruning. However, it often misses forced checkmate.
(Note: "Mate in X" counts whole turns, while "depth" and "move(s)" relies on half moves.)


The position with the following FEN: 1k1r4/pp1b1R2/3q2pp/4p3/2B5/4Q3/PPP2B2/2K5 b - - 0 1 has a Mate in 3 (depth of 5 to the algorithm). It goes Qd1+, Kxd1, Bg4+, Kc1/Ke1 (Doesn't matter), Rd1#.

It can spot the checkmate from 1 move away, but fails at higher depths.

Possible Causes

It could be a typo, a misused type, or even a complete misunderstanding of the method, as all of it happened before.

Simplified Code

I've make some part of the code code easier to read. (eg. remove std::, turns multiple lines into function).
Shouldn't changes the functionalities though.

Root Call

pieceMove searchBestMove (gameState currentState, int depth) {
//Calls the Negamax search
    pieceColor sideToMove = whoseTurnIsIt();
    vector<pieceMove> moveList = generateLegalMoves(currentState, sideToMove);
    pieceMove bestMove;
    signed int bestEval = numeric_limits<signed int>::max();
    for (const auto move : moveList) {
        signed int evaluation = negaMax(applyMove(currentState, move), numeric_limits<signed int>::min(), numeric_limits<signed int>::max(), depth - 1, 1);
        if (evaluation < bestEval) {
            bestMove = move;
            bestEval = evaluation;
    return bestMove;

Search Function

signed int negaMax (gameState currentState, signed int alpha, signed int beta, int depth, int rootDepth) {
//Main Negamax search
    //Terminal node
    if (depth == 0) {
        return evaluates(currentState); //Replace this line with the one below to enable the extended search
        //return quiescenceSearch(currentState, alpha, beta); 
    //Mate distance pruning
    signed int mateDistScore = numeric_limits<signed int>::max() - rootDepth;
    alpha = max(alpha, -mateDistScore);
    beta = min(beta, mateDistScore - 1);
    if (alpha >= beta) return alpha;
    vector<pieceMove> moveList = generateLegalMoves(currentState);

    //If no moves are allowed, then it's either checkmate or stalemate
    if (moveList.size() == 0) return evaluates(currentState)
    orderMoves(currentState, moveList);

    for (const auto move : moveList) {
        signed int score = -negaMax(applyMove(currentState, move), -beta, -alpha, depth - 1, rootDepth + 1);
        if (score >= beta) return beta; //Bata cutoff
        alpha = max(score, alpha);
    return alpha;

Extended Search

signed int quiescenceSearch (gameState currentState, signed int alpha, signed int beta) {
//Searches only captures
    //Terminal node
    int evaluation = evaluates(currentState);
    if (evaluation >= beta) return beta;
    alpha = max(alpha, evaluation);
    vector<pieceMove> moveList = generateCaptureMoves(currentState);

    //If no moves are allowed, then it's either checkmate or stalemate
    if (moveList.size() == 0) return evaluates(currentState);
    orderMoves(currentState, moveList);

    for (const auto move : moveList) {
        signed int score = -quiescenceSearch(applyMove(currentState, move), -beta, -alpha);
        if (score >= beta) return beta; //Bata cutoff
        alpha = max(score, alpha);
    return alpha;


  • I think you need to call the function "quiescenceSearch" when the depth is 0 in "negaMax". Also you need to check for "checks" too in "quiescenceSearch" along with captures since they are not quiet moves. Also Matedistance pruning works only when positions are properly scored( May be checking if your evaluation function is evaluating properly could also help.