I have a function, props
, which takes in a single generic argument to be used by later consumers.
export function props<P extends object>(): ActionCreatorProps<P> {
// the value returned isn't important; props is mainly used to consume type information
return { _as: 'props', _p: undefined! };
I want to assert that the type passed in for the generic argument does not violate the following definition:
export type NotAllowedCheck<T extends object> = T extends any[]
? ArraysAreNotAllowed
: T extends { type: any }
? TypePropertyIsNotAllowed
: keyof T extends never
? EmptyObjectsAreNotAllowed
: unknown;
But I can't simply do the following because it violates a circular constraint:
export function props<P extends NotAllowedCheck<P>>(): ActionCreatorProps<P> {
return { _as: 'props', _p: undefined! };
Is there some mechanism that allows these types of assertions in Typescript?
You can break the circular dependency by introducing another generic type (although it does look clumsy)
function safeProps<P extends (R extends any ?
P extends object ?
: unknown
: unknown)
, R = any>(): ActionCreatorProps<P>